Friday, January 28, 2011

A Very Specific Idea

I believe that I can change the world.

I refuse to spend time on things that only contribute to the chaos and the unknowing. I know that love is true and real and I release myself to the falling of all beautiful things into place. And that which is a hopeless reality or that which is viewed as a meaningless reality is cynicism and holds no grip in my view of the world or love or peace.

You can hold it against me, you can hold it against me.

Hold it against me, I dare you.

In the end it is the things we let go that set us free.

And the things we hold on to, the grudges we carry, the hatred we harbor, are our own misunderstandings. Our inability to accept or allow the possibility of something better. Of something more real than pity or piety (the passing of loved ones or the parting of seas).

I feel pain. I feel it deeply and completely, but that is not all I feel.

I feel we are capable.

Remember when we called for change.

and remember the time when your heart was broken

and remember the unfairness of mortality

and remember when the hurricane drowned a city

and remember when a plane changed the course of history forever

And remember that these are the reasons we change.

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