Thursday, December 24, 2020

Kara Marie Bibb

Slow it down
Take it easy, baby

I know you know this,
Kara Bibb,
but it’s all already in order
You can put like things 
with like things
and laminate and label everything 
but it’s all out of your hands 
Slow it down and take it easy

Hey, KB, it’s okay already
If you really want to make a scene
stay sober for a week
and aha, AHA
there is no fly in your soup
Hey, kb 
if you want a party on your patio
just ask for it
No one is holding your tongue 
Kara Marie Bibb,
you can do no wrong 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Supermarket Sweep

 I did that thing again

where I wipe the slate clean

There’s not a single thing

left in this world

that could mortify me

I hope if it involved you

if there was some apology

you wanted from me

there is a poem in this sweep

to set you free


There’s just gotta be

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Human Unless You Tell Me Otherwise

 Imagine that your ex-girlfriend 

is like an older brother to you

She bullies you a bit when you wrestle

puts you in a loose headlock

but always lets you get away

Imagine they know about your childhood

the calls to 911 and the operator saying

Is this an emergency?



I don’t know 

Are you imagining?

 Can you send someone to 2511 East 24th St?

Apt 14

I’m just speculating 

No, I take it back

they’re just pillow fighting

but eventually

No one will care that 

this isn’t working

And your ex-girlfriend will just be shouting

Why the fuck didn’t you fight for me?

Why didn’t you burn down the bar for me?

How did you not see me 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Perfect Company 2020

“I much prefer the physical work
over the emotional labor”
that’s me
I said this today
Can’t wait to work this out
with my future therapist

In this particular fantasy
she stops me
“Kara, do you hear
what you just said out loud to me?”
I say yes because it’s easy
Saying no makes me feel guilty

Secret ciders make me feel guilty
I’ve been working this one out
for a quarter of a century
I have been baking pies
for the past two years
Because it is free therapy

If you follow me on IG
you might think I am making biscuits
but what I am really doing
is working through my relationship
with my mother
It’s been hard during the current presidency 

She’s lost her fucking mind
and I am just voting 
for basic human decency
And I know exactly how
to make butter look like sand
I can bake an apple pie from memory

Ivory Tower LR AR

I guess I pressed the right buttons

Friday, August 14, 2020

Quietly Screaming

I just keep keeping quiet

knowing my perfect thoughts

will save me 

It feels like home except 

for the upkeep




Wipe the slate clean

each and every body is perfect 

The script is loose 

I think

I’m improving

I’m sorry 

I actually do not know

how to spell improv-ing

My apologies again

I absolutely do not know 

how to stand here in great company

with the poets and the saints

without first saying

I don’t have to apologize

to anybody