Thursday, July 21, 2011

the right place

yeah, I get sad and my friends are dying
we are all dying
and there is this cave
that was built to shelter the homeless
and everytime I walk by it
I think
we should save this place
for the hopeless
because all these pretty girls
and interesting boys
are crawling inside of themselves
while their parents put away money
for college and weddings and emergencies
but there all these violated girls
and all these battered boys
that enter into their adulthood
with the memories of rape and abuse
and some of them still find happiness
I guess, I think, you should just stop
stop feeling sorry for yourself
or at least, stop thinking
that your boredom is worth feeling sorry for
by God, or for you, by the right of intelligience
be glad for yourself
fate and circumstance were kind to you

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