Sunday, June 12, 2016


The thing about kerosene
is it's meant to be lit.
A fire is its intent
To store it in a damp place,
to keep it and not use it,
must be some kind of a sin

but that's not the point

I am not gay
I am not black
I am not Christian
I have been raped
I have been judged
I see the best in people
I do not understand
how hate still exists

I do not want bad things to happen
to make good people understand what bad is
I do not want the good things that happen
to be put on pedestals
Goodwill is breathing to me
Kindness is my heartbeat
None of this makes sense to me

I guess I just want humanity
to breathe the same breath as me
Inhale (slowly with great purpose)
Exhale (slowly with great purpose)
every breath in an escape from greed
every breath out an entrance to good deed

in my small world, this is breathing
but maybe for you
this is a whole new way of thinking

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