Tuesday, May 10, 2016

We Almost Held Hands

I keep playing the entire night
over and over in my mind
I let go and let it happen
and when I woke up this morning
I couldn't stop thinking
did it work? Did I do all of the things?
I don't even know what the things are
that invite people to love you
But I do know
you should be honest
even if you're bullshitting
I know one should never take more
than what is yours
I know that when someone kisses you
it is the greatest kindness they can offer

I keep playing our dialogue
over and over in my mind
some of which I forget
but I remember telling you
you are always welcome here
and you can have me in any form of dress
When you picked less
I think I married you
If this is scary, if I am too much for you
Happy Trails, Pal
My little dresses are for me
and my bed has never made itself
the Alstroemerias do not water themselves
I am here
with or without you

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