Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Explain the World To Me

While you were explaining the world to me
my mouth twitched over and over
and I thought
how nice
holding back smiles
instead of tears

Not that I didn't shed tears
the night you first made love to me
I'd cry then I'd smile
one before the other and then over
again because you were so nice
and occupied my every thought

even that sad thought
that cried those sad tears
and made me regret every time I wasn't nice
to someone including me
because that's what pain is over
everything that does not smile

and I am that happy smile
that thinks that happy thought
of the world as one twice over
that bears the scar of tears
and introduces itself to you and me
at the reception of everything nice

Wouldn't it be nice
if all of those smiles
and you and me
and hope were one thought
that prayed that tears
will one day soon be over

You were the one that turned me over
you are the one that is everything nice
you are the one that mends all that tears
and ignites all that smiles
in a gesture and a thought
that repairs me

I will be nice to you if you are nice to me
And if you read over my every thought
You will find less tears than smiles


Lard the Whale said...

hey. kara bibb. i really like this one.

Kara Bibb said...

It's a sestina!

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