Monday, March 14, 2011

In Reverse

a moment ago when we kissed
while smoke was still in my mouth
because my cigarette suddenly seemed
less important than you
i hoped you wouldn't mind the haste

before that i set myself in your lap
and said you could make yourself at home
as i explained the ways you could trust me
with a look and a smile
that sincerely said I trust you

while i was waiting for you to get here
i made this conscious effort to forget you
because i love surprises when they're pleasant
and i love the waiting
even if it means forgetting

today i kissed you before sunrise
in full dress and an attempt to tell you
sometimes i sleep through tentative plans
you seemed relieved
i just needed your kiss

because kissing you is more
important than poetry or prose
kissing you is more like sex than sex
kissing you is more
than what happens next

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