Monday, June 14, 2021

39 and the Entrance of Dramatic Candles

The best birthday present
Is waking up early 
The best thing about you
is everyday
even when you make me mad
especially when you make me mad
because we talk it out
with words
and we get to understand 
each other
A cute gift I received
from the people that love me 
was the perfect water pitcher
and somebody insisting
I was only 29
Even after we established
we both knew 
what year I was born
It was really funny 
that you kept me in my twenties
so much closer to you
I’m gonna use that one
I also thought it was neat
when everyone
went around the room
and said a nice thing about me

This is the last year of my thirties
and I am 29

That is all you need to know about me

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