Saturday, June 25, 2016

But if you think about it. Existential Crisis Part III

okay okay okay
I am not going through
any kind of crisis right now
existential or otherwise
In all honesty
I rarely worry about anything
when I do
the solution just appears
out of thin air
it takes less than fifteen minutes
I would call it luck
but I haven't found
a four leaf clover

Somehow I feel responsible for our political arena
when I say 'our'
I mean yours and mine
Somehow I became so disconnected
that I let Pennywise and Hodor
become our knowledge of the world
It is scary
I am sorry
please remember
my only thoughts were you and me
I thought that if I pretended
nothing bad could  happen
(distract me)
then nothing bad would ever happen
(I was wrong)
I really wanted to sound poetic
right now
but I also just wanted to tell you
make a big goal
write it down
do some research
How long will it take?
What do you have to do?
What does it take?
Then just do it.
It sure makes
showing up every day
worth while.

I guess I'll write a poem now

Redefining Existential Crisis Part III

If you think about it
You might do better
to sit still
stay in one place
so the travelers
might pass by you
instead of
you passing them by

If you think about it
you might talk yourself 
in to being love
This is where you will find me
but if you stop thinking about it
you will meet travelers
with no path
And you will make each other worse

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