Friday, April 15, 2016

Here I Am

I couldn’t imagine
meeting me for the first time
not because I am special
but because I am
the most ordinary thing
Nothing extravagant
has ever happened to me
My stories are the same
as anybody’s
just embellished
I’m always on edge about that
When I wake up
it’s to an alarm clock
and just like you
I silently wish
my job has burned down
and no one would notice
if I never showed up again
When I get low
the blues makes me happy
When I get high
I can’t stop laughing
I couldn’t imagine
ever meeting me
because I want to meet you
it's all I think about
So that’s what I do
enter into each day
looking for doppelgangers
and other sordid people
who feel like me
It’s tough to say
if any day has turned up you
but for whatever reason
I just keep pressing through
And some days I hide
other days I’m the loudest
person in the room
Maybe I wash my hair and put on mascara
I actually don’t know what to do
to find another ordinary person
that just wants to sit with me
and figure out what it is we want
for dinner


Unknown said...

I would agree with you
You are anything greater than

Kara Bibb said...


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