Monday, February 9, 2015

Cheers & Waking Up

Cheers to the poets and their words
And every yarn ever spun by all the storytellers

Cheers to godliness and the devil's advocate
And our willingness to expose ourselves and be part of it

Cheers to the broken-hearted remedy of the bards
And the sleepless, wakeful love that compels us

Cheers to Rumi and Hafiz
and everyone that wears their heart on their sleeves


Waking up isn't as easy as it used to be
My alarm clock goes off
and I just sleep
and it's not because the sight of sunrise no longer soothes me
and it's not because the task at hand no longer behooves me
I can feel my toes wiggle
and I want to hit the ground running 
It's just that my sheets and body are wrapped up in this perfect dream

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