Wednesday, February 16, 2011

oddside in insight out

i understand how i don't care
can be
a true statement

what will they think of me?
i don't care

what if they don't like me?
i don't care

i understand how i don't care
can be
the worst thing ever

when are our troops coming home
"i don't care"

what's going on in other worlds
"i don't care"

what i don't understand
is willingness
to surrender freewill

"you can't speak against your government"
yes i can

"you can't speak against our religion"
yes i can

what i don't understand
murder and suicide

i don't want to kill you
i don't want to kill myself

i don't want you to die
i don't want to die

i understand
we're all going to die
and i don't care

so long
as it's not
against our will

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