Sunday, September 5, 2010


Life's Work

Anything worth having is hard work
and chances are
you should work harder

Cheap Thrills

I love that I can take thoughts like these seriously :

(insert quotation mark here)

I'm currently only reading me.
Wait, maybe Conor Oberst is my one true love.
I wish I had two hands.
Why isn't there something you can take that just makes you want to clean? Oh yeah, crystal meth. Fuck.
You can't beat that with a shtik. Yuk Yuk Yuk.
I just want to be here and be life-like.
New Orleans is a very well designed city.
I phone.
Maybe I'm God.
I'm gonna die alone and sad.
What if I was the most beautiful person in the world?
Wait, maybe I am Tracy Dean.
I don't care.

(end quotation mark)


Wine on sunday helps

The only thing on my grocery list is drano and razors
infer what you will
but i think it means
i want to take a shower with you

All these beautiful people
i barely know where i fit in


I've never been one to burn anything
but I do go bra-less every chance I get

Hold on to now for all it's worth.

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