Sunday, May 23, 2021

Current Notebook or January 21st, 2018


                       12:46 AM


I have kept journals

since the second grade,

so since I was 8 years

old. My favorite memory

was when I was 3...

my thoughts have always

been important to me.

I try to capture what

I am feeling as often

as possible. Not because

I am important, but

because I believe it is

the things we feel that

make every one equal.

Consciousness. For as long

as I have recognized 

existence I have thought

about reality and the

idea of the connectedness

of my birth and death.

When I wrote in my diary

in the fourth grade I

could feel the ink fall

out of my pen now. It

is an invisible line,

but it is straight

and it has happened and

will happen because

it is happening.


In an abstract way,

you are the journal

I’ve kept for 27 years.

You are my inner thoughts

and greatest desire.

My wants, losses,

pride, triumphs,

secrets, stories, lists,

shame, humiliations,

funny asides... they

are all you 

the person

I was writing to.

You are everything

I never knew and

did not understand 

I can pretend to be fearless

of the unknown because I

know your skin will 

explain it to me in

time. I know your

words will describe

it to me as you retell

your stories of highs

and lows. I know that

every moment we have

with each other from

here on out is a piece

of each of our pasts

come together with 

both of our futures

to make love known.

We are lucky.

We won the lottery.

This does not happen to

every body.

Dear Clay,

This is the part where

everything is the same,

just different. I love


I am yours.

           Kara Marie Bibb
                              2:30 AM

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Off the cuff...

 Everything is so green
and lush right now
I could die 
but I don’t have to

Are you falling for this?

Three and a half years later
and we are still going on dates
do you not smell it on my breath?
I am drunk

But this is not the big reveal

It is not the drinks we drink
It never was
just outside of our reach
No one gives a fuck 

Your Favorite Thing About Me

“You’re funny”

I know, what else?