Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Third Part of Roses::Delusions of Grandeur

The things that make me great
can be counted on one hand

I love you

There is something wrong
with the world we live in
War and Hate is not natural

The unknown is the only reason
we disagree about anything

When we think about the world
as each individual
doing our best to sing
in the choir of seven billion,
there are no regrets,
just reminders.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Flowers and Practicing Roses Pt. 2

My florist’s favorite flowers
are the ones that live the longest

Mine too

Yet, she still pushes the bargain bin on to me
We both know these blooms will die tomorrow
but man, what a steal, a bunch of roses
for just three dollars

There’s not enough wine in the world
to replicate the feeling I receive
when I replace every dying stem
from their place in my decorum
with fresh cut flowers
that I know have at least two weeks to live


It should end there
but it never does